Recently, the media was shocked by the news that 48-year-old Naomi Campbell is expecting a child from her 35-year-old boyfriend, rapper Skepta. But the supermodel denied the rumor: the star has posted a sexy photo on Instagram, 08/01/2018.
In the picture Naomi posing in a tiny black bikini, showing a slender elastic body, without a hint of rounded belly. The photo was taken on a yacht near one of the resorts in Croatia.
She has a terrible personality and attitude, and her face look like a baboons arsehole. But damn that body is fine as hell!
Bit old to be having a kid . Lets hope he can play football.
Old & Ugly boobs
Though it was that ugly cunt grace jones at first
Those feet…eek
Most women who have kids in their 40’s and over have a high risk of the kid being down with some type of defect or complication. From mental problems to physical. Very high percentages.