47 thoughts on “Naked Woman During COVID-19 Pandemic in London (3 Photos)

    1. Melania Trump gave me a $5 blowjob in 1993

      Still hotter than the hooker Trump paid 130 thousand dollars to for sex!

  1. Dave

    Clearly someone suffering from mental illness looking at the marks on her arms. Bit of a dick move to put it on here.

  2. Covid-19

    It’s time to shut down this website’s comments section forever. It’s full of outcasts, potential dark web pedos and future mass shooters who’s only resptite from their miserable lives is proffesing how much they hate non-whites.

    The site owner is enabling their sickness and by allowing it to go on, in my opinion, is obtaining glee from their responses.

    1. Dave Appleton

      Hear hear!

      (We need a few quid – Lisa’s been furloughed from Aldi and 80% of fuck all is fuck all!)

  3. WTF

    Those cops are looking pretty chummy with that thing, probably the most they’ve seen in real life since London cops are cucked ass beta incel blue pills who wear high heals and dance in gay pride parades instead of maintaining law and order and arresting migrant rapist.


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