23 thoughts on “Naked Girl Pleases the Police at the Kill The Bill Protest in Bristol (15 Photos)

  1. Bryan

    No front view? Ive seen 10 paparazzi pictures of butt naked women on the beach with their pussy under water and when that end is out of water just their ass is showing,. Do the photographers keep the pussy pics for themsleves?

    1. tito

      you’re spot on bro! not just this faggot cameraman but all these hailey bieber joints were clearly there was adjustments made but no picture to those skimpy revealing so called swimswear. bring back the paris hilton upskirt days, these new guys are faggots!

  2. Lord Fartington-Quimm

    Ah, what a lovely day, I’ll just have a look at the fappening blog before I ask my butler to prepare my egg and soldiers for breakfast and present me with the days papers, so I can keep a-breast of the days happenings in the Empire.

    Oh-ho, what is this? A naked young filly in Bristol? My eldest daughter has goes to university there, perhaps I can get her to introduce me if it is one of her acquaintances. Yes, I was disappointed when she chose not to go to Oxford, but if it means I get a bit of rumpy-de-pumpy out of it then it’s all gravy! This photo is looking very blurred, I can hardly see a thing without my reading glasses on these days… Where did I put them, ah, here they are, now to get a good look at this strumpet…

    Wait??? WHAT?! This is my daughter! Oh Guinivere, what have you done? Dirty, dirty girl. She has brought shame upon the Fartington-Quimm name! Acting like a common pleb and knocking her chest-pillows out to give key-workers a cheep thrill, does she not realise that as the daughter of a peer of the realm there are certain standards to uphold? Well she will get a stern talking to when she returns home with her washing this weekend. This is almost as embarrassing as when she first decided that she no longer wanted to identify as male and started taking the hormones to transition. Good job they didn’t take any photos from the front where her gigantic swinging cock would be seen.

    Oh, Crapper, if you are reading this what is the progress on those Ellen/Elliot Paige leaks?

  3. wawa

    “We’re not objects!” “Stop objectifying us!”

    Proceeds to use her body as an object in order to garner attention from men.

    Sadly you know this dumb cunt has the self-awareness of a rock. So she won’t even see the hypocrisy. Sadly even in the 0.0001% chance they do they’ll never admit to it and admit to being an idiot and wrong.

    This is why giving women the right to vote was a bad idea. It’s about time we put them back in the kitchen where they belong.

  4. Look at me

    Oh look I got naked to get some attention. Grow up stupid woman it’s not shocking or remotely original.

  5. Bluelivesmtter

    You guys are right, get this stupid bimbo out the way so I can get a better view of those cops!!!

    Fuck yeah piggy beat the fuck outta me and lemme lick your boots clean omnomnomnom

    Love being oppressed, I just wish we had guns here in the UK too so we can go full fucking maniac

  6. Severin

    I like her ass.

    Fuck the pigs! Except those sexy traffic cops in Broumana. There are some mighty fine women in Lebanon.


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