Check out Miley Cyrus’ nude and sexy screenshots and video, showin’ off all her tats from her black-and-white shoot by Gray Sorrenti.
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Check out Miley Cyrus’ nude and sexy screenshots and video, showin’ off all her tats from her black-and-white shoot by Gray Sorrenti.
Can’t we just sell her to the nearest dog food company as a source of extremely cheap meat? This food could always go to dogs at the dog pound who will shortly be put down, in letting them have a last meal. I’d like to think I’m being considerate…
they probably should sell your meat to the dog company as its far more useless and untouched. just saying …
His meat is too small, and smells of mens ass ! The dogs won’t eat it :-(
You two fuckfaced fags are only jealous that I don’t sell you both to the same dog food company, except they don’t feel like serving fucking worthless shit to even death row animals, as that would be way too cruel. There you are, reality check, free of charge..,,
LOLLLLLL, you’re funny dude i give you that much.
Spankmaster only dates dogs with large, impressive cocks, and then entices them with ‘doggy treats’ rammed up his ass.
Thank you, Tito, I’m glad I gave you a laugh. As for Dockie, I haven’t had my cup of coffee yet, so just fuck off and die as pointlessly and violently as possible. There you are, reality check, free of charge…
@Crapper, there’s a hot Rothschild named Sophia. Why don’t you post her pics?
Pretty face. Hot body.
Guys who complain about Miley Cyrus are all suspected chicken-hawks.
i’ve always thought she had a pretty face too but she is getting older you can tell slightly still quite pretty though.
This song is over 3 years old, she is going downhill more and more, you see it in the recenet videos too. But she’s keeping it togeather okay for someone in thier mid 30’s, but thats the decade where all women get a bit saggy and old looking.
All the fridge magnet tats are a huge boner killer
But who will notice when you’re only packin’ a half inch, jamcan?
Wow. You must have taken hours to come up with that witty riposte…
Jamcan, Belch is exactly what his name states; hot, rancid air and fuck all else…
A boring wigger just like Clapper.
Need a bag for her head, preferably a plastic one
Skank or no skank….I’d be more than happy to send her nether regions to Vaginal Valhalla.
I dont like small boobs but damn.. her’s are delicious
Exactly. Really small, but still spectacular.
yep. nipples are also 10/10. big nipples, small boobs. very nice
Zero nude pictures
Shes gross and way past her “use by” date. She mutilated herself with that ugly graffiti and will be forever tainted.
She was cute once; before she decided to reinvent herself as a biker bar hose bag.
You sound quite gay.
Gay or not, he’s 100% right.
I agree, except that even the bikers would be extremely dubious of playing a game of ‘pass the fuckpiece parcel’ with her. Best teach her how to play spin the shotgun with her being the only contestant. Will do wonders in improving the scenery…
what could have been. disease riddled, black cock infested, tattooed satanist could have been americas sweetheart. good thing sexy women are a commodity
My Miley shoots will never be bettered.
And that makes the cancel culture blue-haired libtards furious, and I love it!
Fuck ’em.
Fuck ’em with my big fat meaty cock!
I’d like to sit my fat fucking sweaty ass right on Miley’s face, making sure my asshole presses right onto the bridge between her nostrils, and blast the gassiest, juciest, bubbliest, longest, nastiest fucking stinky-ass fart humanly possible right onto her face and up her nose. Then while she’s still flapping her head, whincing and gagging in total agony from that, I’d force her mouth open and proceed to push out the biggest fucking turd my intestines can possibly manufacture and drop it straight into her mouth, forcing her to chew and swallow every bite.
She looks like the type to let you.
Lovetits really should be working for the UN. He has such a wonderful knack for togetherness amongst the culturally indifferent. You have my support in getting the Nobel prize.,,
Ambassador Lovetits.
I like it!
I’m so glad that you do. By the way, still any chance for a lift? I am wearing my best all over protective asbestos suit. I should be fine…
She looks like she got those fucking lick and slap tattoos from a cracker jax box and smoked some crack and went nuts. I’d still fuck the hell out of her, but she getting nasty.
S-tier body. I love her boobs. I wish I could fuck her raw