Nude photos of Miley Cyrus by Terry Richardson (2015). Miley Cyrus is an American actress and singer. Age 22 (November 23, 1992).

Nude photos of Miley Cyrus by Terry Richardson (2015). Miley Cyrus is an American actress and singer. Age 22 (November 23, 1992).
She looks like the poster child for a new anti-drug campaign.
They should do a series of ads with each of these pictures blown up huge (billboard size) and add the tagline, “Are you a skag head? Help is available at the local methadone clinic @ 1-800-555-vein”
And then post them near trailer parks, freeway off-ramps, and wherevere else Miley fans hang out.
Oh my!!!
Wanna see her tasty asshole
Me too. I love seeing celebrity assholes. It turns me on to see their most private and intimate part and know that I’ve seen where their shit comes out. I would love to her a nice clear look at Miley’s tight little turd pincher.
Yes please.
I don’t care what other people say, I’d do her!
So would the rest of them. Don’t believe their bull****!
I’d like to give her a good spanking and then kiss those bright red buttocks all better! Then give her a squealing rim job and try and get nine inches up her ass!
im sure she fucked him, he got no talent, he have a white wall and then he have girls stand in front of that and click photos while taking out his dick
I hear you about Terry Richardson. His photography skills are negligible – His primary talent seems to be talking hot women out of their clothing. Not an issue w/Miley; indeed it was probably more difficult to get her to put her clothes back on.
Terry Richardson gets them drugged out then does photo shoots.Mother fucker is still living in the 70’s
Look it up.
Miley is without a doubt the kindest female celebrity of all time. She knows what men want and just gives it to them with no bullshit. I can only hope it is a matter of time before we see her open labia, which would complete the picture. lady gaga and Madonna have nothing on this chick when it comes to being controversial and wild. Miley definitely takes the all time crown.
Yeah because men love large strapons and armpit hair…
Actually, the strap-on allows us to see her inner labia, so it does have its usefulness. Armpit hair is normal and an actual relief in these days of epidemic shaving, and it’s not like she has a rainforest under there anyway. What’s less normal is her hairy ass and her BEARD, as seen in the close-ups (pics #4 & 17).
She’s not doing the photo shoot for men! The photo shoot reverses gender roles. Her arm pit hair is saying a ‘fuck you’ to the standards that men put on women. And she wears the strapon as a symbol that women also have power. I can tell just by looking at the pictures that they were going for a theme. Miley is nuts but she’s trying to send a message in these shoots.
So tell me, how exactly does the picture of her stuffing a nightstick into her cheek like she is sucking a dick fit into this theme? Or the picture with her holding up a white cat and kissing it?
Or, better yet, how does wearing a strapon dildo symbolize women having power? You are implying that a dick represents power, but since women do not have dicks then she is merely pretending by wearing a strapon… but it’s symbolic right?
Sure fine, but what it symbolizes is that she has no genuine power and has to imitate men to even try to feel powerful.
What kind of ridiculous message is that to send to women? Why not let them know that they can be whatever they want? You don’t need a dick and you don’t need hairy armpits. You can be an attractive woman and still be strong.
And not shaving your armpits is a “fuck you” to standards women impose on themselves as much as anyone else. Women are the ones propping up the fashion industry by buying Glamour, Vogue, and all the other fashion magazines.
You feminists are always trying to twist reality to fit into your narrow ideological views by inventing conspiracies about gender power struggles that were fought and won over 30 years ago in the western world. The patriarchy is the feminist version of Satan.
Don’t be such a douche bag mangina, okay howl?
Whatever . Don’t really care what shes trying to say. All I know is I just busted a nut on my computer. So thanks Miley, Whatever you have to say to yourself that make you do this I’m all for!!!
Whatever . Don’t really care what shes trying to say. All I know is I just busted a nut on my computer. So thanks Miley, Whatever you have to say to yourself that make you do this I’m all for!!
Actually, the strap-on allows us to see her inner labia (zoom in pic #6), so yes I like that. Armpit hair is normal and a welcome change from the current hair loss epidemic, and it’s not like it’s the rainforest under there, anyway. What’s NOT normal is her hairy ass and her BEARD, as seen on the close-up pics #4 and #17.
Actually, the strap-on allows us to see her inner labia (zoom in pic #6), so yes I like that. Armpit hair is normal and a welcome change from the current hair loss epidemic, and it’s not like it’s the rainforest under there, anyway. What’s NOT normal is her hairy buttcheeks and her BEARD, as seen on the close-up pics #4 and #17.
Dam right they do, unless they are closet fags, and afraid to really enjoy life.
You are a fucking IDIOT of the first order. Miley is a talentless pile of garbage and her 15 minutes of fame are up. She’s DESPERATE for attention! She’ll even disrobe in a second for it for free! How could anyone compare her to Madonna? Madonna paved the way for this little shit stain! ? Madonna is terrible, granted. But at least at one time her music was tolerable. Miley had NOTHING from DAY FUCKING ONE.
So sexy. A few extras from the original set of photos we had and in higher quality because they aren’t pictured directly from the magazine. Thanks for the upload!
She’s so gross and such a try-hard it’s a turnoff.
i thought people didn’t work with this guy anymore because he is a rapist or that all blow over?
that is how celebritism works, enough people cant believe he would force girls to do something they dont want to do so it must be that he did not do it.
also, he have that great white wall so every magazine want him to take photos…….
I wouldn’t do her with charlie sheens
why would you(I assume you are a guy) have a three some with miley and charlie ? you bisexual ?
I guess you can’t read Ballen. He said he “wouldn’t do her with charlie sheens.” In other words, she is so nasty that he would not even use Charlie Sheen’s dick to fuck her. Nothing about him wanting to have a threesome with both of them.
But anyway fuck ya’ll. I love Miley.
why would he hold charlies sheens dick while he fucks her ? he is that limp after the enlargement surgery ?
Macauley Culkin
She could be his twin.
Especially if they are hanging out with Terry Richardson.
Drug addict Photo shoots lmfao.
Seriously though,If you are on here saying you’d still fuck Mily Cyrus then you are also saying you’d fuck Macauley Culkin.
What a desperate disgusting whore. Such a sad attention whore. Shit on you Miley.
Ole’ Bandit loves the cock,that’s why he’s always on here bitching about all the girls that are posted,because he is a Peter Puffer!!!
She isn’t a whore, she did this photoshoot for free and FYI She has only been been with like 4 guys in her entire life so she isn’t a whore!
I would tear her ass up. She is sexy as hell.
i love her cute little beauty
This is the best thing in my life
I wanna see full spreaded pussy and asshole. Oh well, guess I gotta wait til next year when she tries to top this set of “shocking” photos. Can’t wait!!
I know it’s not the popular opinion around here but I think she’s hot. I’d definitely do her if I had the opportunity.
My only complaint is the shitty amateur tattoos. She has money get someone that knows what they’re doing to cover that crap up with something that looks professional.
It’s aight i think. It would have been a lot better if her looks was the same as what she looked like in the Party in the USA video.
Where is Hanna Montanna!
man mileys tits make me hard
Terry Richardson looks like you’d catch herpes just by being in the same room with him.
A post about miley receives a lot of comments/clicks here..As compared to other celebrity posts. Even though many individuals pretend to hate her.
Retarded logic there. If we didn’t give a shit either way we wouldnt bother to click/comment but because we do hate her we want the world to know about it.
You’re a dumb asshole Harold!
“People talk about how disgusting she is because they actually like her”
You can’t be that retarded. Bet your mother told you all the girls at school make fun of you because they each secretly had a crush on you too
Wow, never knew Justin Beiber would go all the way naked
She doesn’t looks like justin at all, you sir need to get your eyes checked
She is so fucking sexy, i love her!
The inconsistent and patchy tats on the arms. The greasy lookin bob cut and armpit hair. The crusty lips and dildo clutching.
Nasty AF.
Shame cuz she used to be fine too, but this…fucking hell no.
Lord have mercy on me for lookin at this ish, need to go take a bath in holy water.
This is an old photoshoot, check out her VMAs photoshoot
You know she sucked his dick like all his other models. Where are those photos?
And how do you know that Mr Sherlock
If you zoom into her pussy you can see its Photoshoped beyond the pubic her. In all her nude pics, her dick is pshopped off.
I don’t get why anyone works with Terry Richardson anymore. Meaning models OR magazines, etc. HE has no idea hat sexy is. He makes everyone looks like meth addicts. Now, granted, in this case, there was not much he could have done. But he even makes attractive people look like meth addicts.
I wish she would just spread her legs and show that pussy shaved
I can’t imagine how bad this woman smells.
Kudos to Miley for not shaving it all off and even bigger kudos for letting us finally see your gorgeous clam. I’ve been searching for Miley beav shots for a while so of course my tiny one-eyed trouser snake thanks you for this. Even though it’s all then rage for girls to look like 7 year olds down under she doesn’t which I find infinitely sexier and lets all of us pervs better answer the curtain/carpets question. Yup, she’s definitely a blond!
Her poor father!
I bet she broke his heart, his achy breaky heart, i just dont think she understands.
I’d still deep tongue her starfish….
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Just how toght is that PUSSY