14 thoughts on “Miley Cyrus Naked (1 New Full-Size Photo)

  1. Edward

    You people need therapy. This girl is as sexy as herpes. And her constant attention whoring is almost as pathetic as the losers who lap it up.

    1. Alexssander Carlos Dragoni

      Just because we have a different taste than yours doesn’t mean we need therapy, you are really being retarded,

  2. Billy Joel

    Yea that definitely looks like photoshop gone wrong. But I love her and hope full nudes do eventually come out.

  3. Dad

    SO CLOSE!!! If she’d just lose that pubic hair, I’d be in heaven right now. LOVE her body. She can attention whore all she wants. She shows more than 99% of those attention whores on Instagram who won’t actually show you anything.

  4. The dude

    If it were real, I would never need to see another nude photo. That would fill the bank for life, or at least for a week. However, it is fake. She might go full frontal eventually, but this isn’t the one.

  5. Jim

    There’s no way she could have that much bush! Look at Hi Res pix of some of her live performance costumes and it is pretty clear that the real mound of hers has to be smooth, add to that her age and personality, she is not one to let the moss grow on her best asset.


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