Milana Vayntrub’s pics showcase her bomb cleavage, rockin’ her iconic massive knockers in a low-cut, see-through, sexy white dress at the wedding.

Milana Vayntrub’s pics showcase her bomb cleavage, rockin’ her iconic massive knockers in a low-cut, see-through, sexy white dress at the wedding.
Poor girl even with her rocking tits her abrasive feminism and victimhood mentality the best she could do was to trick and marry a man she’s ashamed of. It’s why no one knows she’s married or has a son. It’s a shame really. She could have married some rich, famous guy easy enough yet she chose not to. She is Russian though so it doesn’t surprise me. They aren’t the brightest tools in the shed.
It’s a jewess, not a Russian. Mentally ill and a feminist promoting abortion? Almost certainly a jew.
Once you see the pattern…
Looks like Burning Man hijinks.
Let’s hope they all drowned.
“Milana, we’re like going to like get married at Burning Man. Will you like marry us at Burning Man, Milana? Oh my god, aren’t we the most interesting people in the world? We’re like such free spirits, you know?”
Uh, Milana is the one getting married
how many babies she kill lately?
Wait, I thought Burning Man got flooded, so was this after the festival ended?
The pictures were posted this weekend so…maybe?
He just wants to fuck her fantastic MILF tits. Lucky fucker…