Mary Wiseman Sexy (9 Photos)

Mary Wiseman is a redhead actress who’s best known for her role as Ensign Sylvia Tilly in “Star Trek: Discovery”.

It’s kinda weird, but this babe’s been in the series since the first season and her character’s been a hit with both the audience and the critics. Even though she ain’t exactly a knockout, lots of folks love her cute red-haired face.


7 thoughts on “Mary Wiseman Sexy (9 Photos)


    Star Trek took it’s interesting hippy vibe, bleeding heart “can’t we all just get along vibe” and went full on woke with this new series, with Captain Picard fighting a racist Trump like figure. I’ve never watched any of the new Star Treks, they’re supposedly terrible, I’m surprised they are even on the air. Who watches this claptrap?

    1. strad

      The last season of Picard is very good. It is basically a continuation of The Next Generation with the original cast. Strange New Worlds is also a good series so far.

      1. Gene Rodenberry is Dead

        Agreed. Discovery went WAY past woke…Gay characters, ‘gender-fluid’…and tranny. If this would just be part of a story line instead of trying to jam it down your throat (although, some of you like that sort of thing)… Just blend, and we’ll all get along.

        Picard and Strange New Worlds are pretty good.


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