Singer Mary J. Blige relaxes in a colorful bikini on the beach in Miami, 12/06/2021.

Singer Mary J. Blige relaxes in a colorful bikini on the beach in Miami, 12/06/2021.
Working on her tan?
Chimps have started wearing shorts and bikinis too?
Ask your retarded mother, I’m sure she knows, you retarded cracker. Die faster, useless, drug addicted, white boy faggot.
I said it! DIe! Die! DIe! White boy retard ass mofo! But… chimp… you know I once got my black negro ass plowed by an african silverback. Thinking out loud, boy, oh boy, that was one hellova experience. Jim was balls deep in my quivering black intestines… mmm…
I hope she didnt fart on the tattoo guys face when he drew those butterflies on her ass.
These are by far some of the most disturbing pics this site has posted and I think the vast majority of the viewers here will agree with me.
mary j barge
Goddamn that ass. I would plow the fuck outta her fine ass. Finish off right on them tattoos. You can still ride my face, Mary J.
Despite my admiration of her thick ass, stop with the ugly fucking blonde hair, Mary. Just dye it black and stop looking so fucking retarded. She’s gonna be 60 with that ugly ass hair color. Give it a fucking break, my goodness. It looks so damn stupid.
someone should call the zoo!
Yes, because how did you escape your animal host, parasite? Things like you need to be eradicated, not propagated.
Isn’t it cultural appropriation when a black woman dyes her hair blond and styles it? Bieber got criticism for his dreads, why should this be allowed then?
Racism is only against blacks and those that identify as blacks.