Marta Gromova Nude (11 New Photos)

Mysterious Russian model Marta Gromova was photographed naked in a black-and-white photoshoot by Boris Bugaev (2019). We think she likes to suck on something else…


Marta Gromova Nude

15 thoughts on “Marta Gromova Nude (11 New Photos)

  1. Sheldon

    Fuck all you second rate faggots. I am the one true queen of this blog! I suck more cock by 9 a.m. than all you homos combined. Kneel before my size 16 poop chute, wannabes! Iโ€™m Sheldon. Iโ€™m queer. Get used to it!

  2. Tom (The "real" God) Jones

    Feminine Russian girls are 100% better than toxic-western women. And, their pussies are tighter, since they don’t whore themselves out, like American skanks.

  3. siski

    Nothing mysterious about models. 9.5/10 WILL get naked, 7/10 will become ho for hire for 80yo millionaires, 3/10 will end up on pornhub with a sex tape or 2 and the remaining 2/10 will od. Who you fucking with Crapper?

  4. Sheldon

    Mysterious? LMFTFY “Unknown” you mean. No one gives a fuck about nude Russian nobodies taking naked pictures to land rich oligarchs


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