Check out the photos of Marilou Morales. Marilou Morales is a Greek/Cuban model and pornstar.

Thanks to Greek Watcher fro the info!
Check out the photos of Marilou Morales. Marilou Morales is a Greek/Cuban model and pornstar.
Thanks to Greek Watcher fro the info!
Wait, she’s Greek and makes porn in Cuba? I find that impossible to believe. And goddammit, wheres her age?
really? who cares her age? look at her and THE END.
agree with the “greek/cuban”, just ridiculous
Cannot be unseen… *shudders*
Anyone who undertakes such self-mutilation is definitely crazy.
Mr Satyre you’re a pansy. A nutty one at that.
Japanese people might be impressed, but fuck this shit!
real quality boob job and attractive roast beef twat
She’s got a perfect pussy. But that tit job looks like it was done in a back alley with dull butter knives. Disgusting pig.
Well, this is a new low for the site
You’re gay Nacho.
Had less roast beef on my XLarge Arby’s. Halloween pumpkins have fewer carvings than this nastay ho
You must like her because your used to your partner having something big down by there.
Did George Bush Sr. ‘Cop-a-Feel’ ?
Fuk me, she’s rough.
Post op tranny?
had to check if my dick was working
but this woman is too far gone.
Az your nutting to a post op tranny. Look at the scars you idiot. He/she has scars on both sides by the legs and scars across the top under the tattoo they opened it up and made this one. Look how awful the top part of the so called pussy looks.
you have no idea what a post op “vagina” looks like.
let alone a real one.
doctors wish they could make “meat curtains”
its fucking appalling.
im not defending this bitch,
but get your shit together before you troll.
I mean, she’s hot for sure, but those tataoos are unbearable. They might be the worst.
Why are you posting nude pictures of pornstars?