14 thoughts on “Mariah Carey Looks Hot in a New Shoot for People Magazine December 2023 Issue (9 Photos)

  1. smith27uk

    It was about time she shifted the pork, shame its such a tame shoot, she needs to do playboy before its too late !!!

    1. Disgruntled Werewolf

      It has been too late for years. She is wearing fishnet tights in all these shots, her legs must look like absolute shit without them. I can just imagine what her snatch looks like.


    Must be photshopped af, no way she’s dropped that much weight.

    Last time we saw her, she was porkier than Se-not-so-leana Gomez.

  3. Mariah for Christmas

    Mariah Carey, Highly Photoshopped, in a new photo shoot….

    There. I fixed it for you. You’re welcome

  4. Spankmaster

    Used to be so hot, now just a bag of shit. Only to be loved by those who like the Kardashian/Jenner clan. Dig a hole for her now…

    1. Doctor Dick

      Spankmasters latest hit, is him singing to Big Mick ‘All I want for Christmas is to suck cock’. Merry Christmas faggots.

      1. Spankmaster

        Stop talking about what you enjoy doing Dockie to anything that wants to severely abuse your arse. The last time you tried to wear an arsemarble, it involved a group of construction workers swinging an industrial strength and sized wrecking ball up into your arse, which was still way too small and loose for you. Just go back to the sewer that spawned you, with the great hope that you will fucking dieโ€ฆ


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