Check out 18yo Malu Trevejo’s nude (covered) and sexy photo collection from Instagram + video compilation from TikTok (October-November 2020).
Maria Luisa “Malu” Trevejo (born October 15, 2002) is a Spanish-English singer of Cuban descent from Los Angeles, California. She became famous for her videos on the video sharing app She has almost 9M TikTok followers.
Great. Just what the world needed, yet another Rihanna shitty tit tattoo wannabe.
Complete waste of bandwidth posting this ghetto skank.
Does she have a little brother I could suck off?
^ founder of the Georgia97 fan club ^
I hate sexy women.
Me too, every person I see might be connected to the Zodiac Killer!
Life’s not fare!!
Pre-birthday this sexy bitch was jailbait defined. Yet, even though she is now legal, any man 21 or over who openly lusts after her would be accused by pseudo-feminist sexual reationaries of being a creep who is “sexualizing” her. If such a man dared date this legal adult, they’d be blasted for “grooming” her and would be labeled a “predator.” That is how fucked up the intellect of millennial females has become.