Check out Makosi Musambasi’s nude/sexy mix, including her candid pictures, hot photos from magazines, lingerie/topless shoots, showing her huge natural boobs.
Makosi Musambasi (born September 24, 1980) is a Zimbabwean model, socialite, TV personality and former “Big Brother UK” contestant.
Shes the halfwit that though she had gotten pregnant while in a hot tub on Big Brother, even though she never had sex lol
Thick as pig shit. Should’ve gone into porn with that body.
Hmmmm those are some huge guerrilla tits. Feed her own black tribe with those things. I bet those things produce a ton of guerrilla juice a week to keep them dark monkeys strong lol
Eat a monkey dick.
i so would
And the chocolate cow goes โMooooo! Motherfuckers!โ Run while you all have the chanceโฆ
Hey moon boy, heard you looking for some chocolate ding? How much you pay me?