New nude covered photos of Maitland Ward in the shower from Snapchat, Instagram, 06/04/2016. No make up, big wet boobs + hot ass shot! Maitland Ward is an American actress. Age: 39 (February 3, 1977).

what’s wrong with her ??? are you a doer or a donter ?? if wanna do so do it . what’s this shitty photos . it’s so far from beauty man . so far man .
She is gorgeous. Thanks
Maitland? Is that you?
She is gorgeous.
holy shit why do you keep posting this ugly ass bitch haha
mmmmmm……butt cheeks.
So close yet so far..
I actually think she’s very attractive. She’s aged well for being 39. Is she seeking attention? Probably. She’s getting it though so good for her I guess.
I realize a lot of guys on this site just want to bash on women for a slew of personal reasons, but I dig the Maitland pics. Something about her turns me on.
She is not even remotely attractive.
very simple, dont like her then dont stop here, or maybe there’s a case of the dumbasses going around……I think she looks great and love those eyes…and all her curves, great boobs…I’m sure all you hating bastards are all 10’s…..
Well I’m torn on this one.
When she was younger, she was hot!
But now, well not so much, then again, she 39. We can’t all stay attractive forever.
I’ll give her a 5/10. But if she wants attention, she is going to need to be more… well, naked.
So … is this woman famous for anything other than being naked on this website?
One of the problems is she’s not naked. More please less tease.
Maitland Ward may not be a perfect 10 but she’s still nice to look at and I have no problems with her. Michaela Schaeffer is way more unattractive. I cannot stand looking at Michaela Schaeffer. There’s no accounting for German taste.
Maitland Ward was on a couple of TV shows when she was younger. I don’t know if she’s been in anything recently.
That ass!
She is hot for me.