18 thoughts on “Maitland Ward (6 Hot Photos)

  1. L. Knight

    Iunno why people keep ripping on her; she’s not ugly at all, in fact she’s fucking hot. Nice, natural tits, bit of meat on the bones… Seriously, you guys really want some twig that’d fly away if you so much as coughed in her direction, or someone with a bit of mass?

    1. State the obvious

      @L. Knight …
      If you think her tits are natural, please explain the scar around the areola in the last pic???

      1. Scroteyboy

        You realize that they make an incision on the underside of the breast for that right? Not right on the fucking nipple. Unless she went to the world’s most retarded plastic surgeon, I don’t think you really have a case there, dude.

        1. State the obvious

          Image search “periareolar breast augmentation”. Knowledge imparted upon you….! Implants through the nipple are common. Its a way to try and hide the obvious scaring. Another technique is to go through the armpit. Regarding Maitland, a lot of guys post about how natural she is, when in fact she is the poster girl for plastic surgery. Boobs, nose, botox etc. If you check her out in her early days, you would think it was a different person.

  2. zippo

    …speaking as an attention whore myself, love this fat attention whore…she’s right up there with Lisa Appleton and Frenchy…presenting all the vistas with those essentials… don’t get me wrong though, still prefer BBC…and using these dot thingies…every dot seems to increase my IQ…I’m up to 21 now, almost my best score ever…ding ding ding, new record…

    1. Zippo

      keep trying asshole, you’ll get there someday….if this is all you have then you really suck….no I mean really….

      1. Obviously

        You bring this shit on yourself. Still I’d rather read trolls posts than yours. At least some of the troll posts are funny. Yours are just stupid and whiny.

  3. Maitland Ward is a COW

    Fuck this fat ass cow. Yes a twig would be better than her… and I’m talking about an actual fucking stick. I could at least gouge my eyes out so I never have to come across this heffer again.

    1. Me

      Huh apparently we all have to have the same taste as you? Who bad news. If you can enjoy large luscious tits go get one of them girls with body sized chests and pretend your not gay.

  4. Mask

    People on a free site are posting pictures of a beautiful woman I don’t prefer, and that makes me angry!

  5. Junkiepete

    Even if she’s fake and older than little zippos mum I’d still fuck her. You hear that maitland! ! Snapchat me or something lmao.

    @big Zippo . Don’t sweat the troll troller. If anything be proud you influence this guy’s life somehow.


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