Check out this slightly nude and sexy photo collection of Mae Mei Lapres (2013-2018). Mae Mei Lapres (Mei Mei) is a 26-year-old Chinese/Canadian model from Paris, France. The girl regularly appears on the catwalks during the shows of famous brands and likes to be photographed naked.
One can never go wrong with asian chicks. Keep it up crapper!
Yes, all very artsy-fartsy. And all just as fucking boring as bat-shit. Nude and sexy, I very seriously doubt it…
At last a sensible comment, and of course from Top Gears best buddy, the Spanker !
I see Crapper covers himself (and the model) with the odd caveat ‘slightly nude’, wtf. No way Crapper, Spanker is a bringer of light and truth. And he is helped in this illumination by his pyrotechnic Rectal Zygmoidascope.
I can’t help thinking if Crapper took a few leaves out of Spanky’s book, there would be lot, lot more female arses left gaping, and these pages would look a lot less like a ‘ladies fashion magazine.
Rock on Spanky. You speak for the perverts of all nations when you say ‘more dilated female anus’s’.
WTF is this Yoko Ono shit?
Basic androgynous zipperhead. Nothing special.
Anybody else remember Mai Lin?
Yeah, yeah, she was bleeding well…
Mae Mei Herpes
At my modeling agency, tattoos are not permitted. Sorry, girl, no work for you…
My Lai. Goddamn best part of my life.