Check out some nude photos from Madonna’s latest promo post on social media, 11/14/2022.

Check out some nude photos from Madonna’s latest promo post on social media, 11/14/2022.
They can stretch the skin on her face to hide her age but they can’t stretch the skin on her arms to hide her grandma arms.
I did her ass in 06 thank you
Hope it was a fine ass :-)
Thank you kind sir
She looks like those green aliens with the big black eyes except with pale skin
Well, what can I say: I’m 72 and I look better than this looks. This is sooo wrong and I think I have to throw up a bit. Thank God for my wife who sits beside me and looks very hot
They’ll have to bury her in a lead lined coffin to prevent her body poluting the soil
Don’t forget to ram a wooden stick through her heart otherwise we never hear the end of it….
I love the smell of formaldehyde in the morning…
Bag lady haz bag.
She should kill herself. It would be the most humanitarian thing she could ever do.
WTF? She looks like an Asian tranny.
Where are the Nude & Sexy pics?
How do you know this thing is actually Madonna?
It looks very different from my memories.
Asian looking Madonna is gross, so stop it grandma.
God Zonk is slightly confused, yet slightly aroused. I’m confused because she looks like a White African American Asian male, yet i’d still bang… me and Pete Davidson.
Creepy grandma.
So. Where’s Madonna?…
Bitch has an ugly-ass purse.
Get Grandma a bigger bag, so it covers her face as well.