Model Madisin Rian attends the “Bones And All” red carpet at the 79th Venice International Film Festival in Venice, Italy, 09/02/2022.

Model Madisin Rian attends the “Bones And All” red carpet at the 79th Venice International Film Festival in Venice, Italy, 09/02/2022.
What the actual fuck is this thing? God we need just one single billionaire to fund the KKK. Just one.
Where’s Will Smith?
She forgot to pack her wig,
before she flew to Italy. LOL
DIVerSiTy quota fullfilled, now fuck off.
How the fuck did that get to be a model? Oh I forgot it’s the WOKE quota that has to be filled.
Farm fresh fellas!
I like big brown butts an I cannot lie !!
I like little brown butts, children are just so firm and weak
seen somalian refugees that looked healthier
Sister, in my beautiful country of Somalia we use this women to plouf the fields.
LMAO i love how not a single photographer is focused on her in all the background pics.
Sad part is this conceited cunt probably thinks she’s hot as fuck and her shit doesn’t stink
pure nigs are gross