Lizzy Jagger Nude & Sexy (8 Photos)

Check out Lizzy Jagger’s nude and sexy photos from Playboy magazine and fashion shoot, showing her perfect tits.

Elizabeth Scarlett “Lizzy” Jagger (born March 2, 1984) is a U.S. born English model and actress.

Born in New York City, she is the eldest daughter of Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall. She is the sister of James Leroy Augustin Jagger, Georgia May Ayeesha Jagger and Gabriel Luke Beauregard Jagger, and paternal half-sister of Karis Hunt Jagger, Jade Sheena Jezebel Jagger and Lucas Maurice Morad-Jagger.




4 thoughts on “Lizzy Jagger Nude & Sexy (8 Photos)

  1. Severin

    Her tiny ass hardens my cock. After deeply rimming her asshole I’d have to pound it in beastial fashion while slapping it profusely. Needless to say, I’d also lick her armpits and kiss her pretty mouth.



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