New sexy photos of Lindsay Lohan at Asian Awards in London, 04/08/2016. She is looking good. Lindsay Lohan is an American actress, singer, songwriter, model, director and producer. Age 29 (July 2, 1986).

Oh wow. She’s still alive? Poor druggie bitch. Who knew you’d turn into a fugly whore whom not even a khalkhalash hobo would bang.
Talk about yourself only, khalkhalash hobo.
oh wow…ur still alive? u mean no one’s beat u to death already or shot u or slit ur throat? who knew that the fugly attention whore baby that u were would turn out to b an even uglier and bigger attention whore 12 yr old who not even ur mother could luv u. heck ur so ugly u can’t even bring urself to jackoff…
maybe that’s why ur such an asshole to women…u can’t get it up
Wherever bandit posts a comment you can guarantee pboi will rise to the bait. Stop feeding the troll dumbass.
The only thing we ever learned from Bandit was… What is a khalkhalash hobo.
Googled it.. You were wrong it would be a Khalistani hobo.
@Bandit yeah right I bet you can’t even get fine ass like that. Hell I’ll do her anytime of the day..
Yeah, I would still consider giving up my left nut for one night with Lindsay Lohan. These picture do not show her at her best.
A walking anti-drugs commercial. Remember how cute she used to be?
who still give her money ???
how can she still afford agents ??
she could not afford some of the tickets or fines she got
and man that weed mixed with cocaine and alcohol is not a good mix, damn!
Do you get the feeling she wants us to look?
Lindsay Lohan is a sexy beast. GODDESS
She’s struggling with the booze and drugs, but so far seems to be beating it. Good luck to her. Do like the fashion pics she has been doing. :)
OMG! She is only like 25 years old yet looks just like all of them old washed up drunken whores who were popular in the 1980’s but are now in their 40’s and 50’s and try so hard to stay in the papers/blogs!
She really has had wayyy too many terrible/botched plastic surgeries, cheek and lip injections and her face just doesn’t look normal nor natural at all, it’s really sad what the drugs and alcohol has done to a once gorgeous girl!
Go look at her face when she was in that Herbie the Love Bug remake and than look at her now and then tell me she hasn’t had a shit ton of bad work!
She’s been repaved more than I-5!
Rubber face, rubber tits and a cooch to match – and people find this sexy? You must be just as stoned to fuck this as what she is. And only Willie Nelson is capable of getting that turned on and even he would be too frightened to get it up and in. A rather sad indictment of what fame will do to a person…