Check out Lea Michele’s nude photo collection in The Fappening Blog gallery below. Here are some nice nip slips, semi-naked pictures from Women’s Health photoshoot, a few possible leaks, social media photos and screenshots from “Spring Awakening” (2008).
Lea Michele Nude Videos
Check out Lea Michele’s short videos (gifs) from “Spring Awakening” play.
How many airbrushes did they burn up on those pics?
She’s a horrible person.
I will NEVER stop sucking fat black cock.
Oh yes you will, AIDS will hit you good.
It hasn’t slowed me down none!!
You’re either an extremely stupid troll or a racist moron. Either way you should be banned from posting comments anywhere online. You should receive the very first “Read Only” internet membership. It’s a privilege, not a right.
Oh yes. I have always liked this girl. Lovely to see some more of her. 10 out of 10. Beautiful.
Since when Doc, do you like women? You undoubtedly can’t get enough of the donkey, those gorillas I rent out for you and the shit they serve up, which you usually almost drown in. That being said, for you to want a woman like this to, it means either:
A) You have an extremely warped view on what steaming sexuality is; or
B) You are a transgender individual who can’t cope with your recent operation and have become seriously paranoid about where your lopped off member ended up, with you somehow coming to the totally inaccurate conclusion that any woman, even one as biaitchy as this, would ever do it for you.
Either way, you’re fucked, so it says it all really….
Besides my “‘Nude & Sexy’ nevers gets more nude than the thumbnail” rule, I now add this corolary: “If she’s covering her tits, the set will not reveal more.”
Prove me wrong.
Pretty sorry selection
Oops somebody shouldn’t have been a cunt to their co-workers, testing the OF waters at least we can see her…incredibly average ass
Back in the oven she’s not done yet.
Smallest nipples in the world,damn cute though
This woman looks like like the very underfed version of August Ames. And given the way her career is going, especially with her being such a horrible fucking biaitch, I guess we’ll soon find her handing from a tree too…