Lauren Boebert Sexy (6 Photos)

Peep this – Lauren Boebert, born on December 15, 1986, in Altamonte Springs, Florida, is a Republican congresswoman representing Colorado’s 3rd congressional district.

She’s all about those unapologetic conservative views, making headlines for her support of gun rights and owning a gun-themed joint, Shooters Grill, in Colorado. Since her win in 2020, she’s been all about limited government, border security, and conservative values. Her bold and controversial approach has definitely stirred things up in American politics.


52 thoughts on “Lauren Boebert Sexy (6 Photos)

      1. NNNNNNN

        You understand this was a set up, right? She’s dating a liberal ‘bar owner’ who takes her out and then starts groping her public, so she gropes him back? And then, among the hundreds of people in the dark audience, the night vision camera just happens to catch the both of them? Uh-huh. Them Dems playing dirty on this one and she’s going through her own divorce, wasn’t thinking straight, messed up and played right into the Dems hands. She’s going to lose her re-election over this.

  1. Raph

    How does “limited government” factor in with conservative? Both conservative and liberal ideologies require powerful governments to function which is essentially, big.

  2. MAGAMike

    She wouldn’t appeal to the leftie communist’s because she doesn’t have AoC or Hillary Clinton cankles.
    Democrats chicks have massive cankles.

  3. Name

    Here it is, the pinnacle of the pig-colored people. This is peak mayo monkey excellence. A slut with a GED that took two tries to achieve, the perfect culmination of the modern cuntservative. See this crackers that infest this site and the Earth? This is your top-shelf example of how USELESS WHITE PEOPLE ARE TO THE WORLD. WHEN MORE OF YOU DIE, EVERYONE CELEBRATES! This is peak uselessness: Lauren Hoebert. Great job pig-people for putting this fucking hog in office. Oink! Oink!

    1. Davidson

      all those manufactured “insults” and not a single white person gets offended. only takes one for your kind though, nigar.

      1. Dark D

        Hey, dont say that. Im all GOP, but I had a huge crush on my smoking 33 yr old school teacher when I was 15. In early 30s myself now, I can vouch I wouldnt have minded if she smoked my tool back then. In fact I still see it as a missed opportunity.

      1. NNNNNNN

        But most fun are the Dems. They dont mind me giving their balls a little jingle and a tingle before I let them sprinkle.

  4. JG

    I love real women like this one. She is a Islamophobe, which equit to Anti-Kardashians. She looks like a rich man’s Lacey Chabert and sheep were all over her. Just imagine if Boebert was a libtard or non-partisan, her voluptuous tits would never get to breathe.

    TS, you should post more babes like Ivanka Trump, Melania Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Marine Le Pen, etc. These are the saviors of mankind.


    27 fucking comments and not one person mentioned SHES A GILF (Grandma I’d like to fuck)
    When compared to this standard, she’s the hottest damn grandma in congress, and maybe her entire district, and quite possibly all of Colorado.

    1. NNNNNNN

      And I counted every one of them. Thats what I do and one of the many things Im good at. Really good. Another being counting the grains of rice.

  6. Chester

    Possible Vice Presidential candidate on the ticket with Donald Trump who’s going to be running the first Tele-Campaign straight from Riker’s Island. You imbeciles will vote for “two inch” Trump anyway.


    This woman is a Republican which is strike one, and she’s far too old which is strike two, and she’s a grandma which is strike two…
    {Kamala – “Strike Three, Mr President!”}
    …yes, strike three! Now, if she’s a grandma…that means she has grandkids. Now, this is where it gets interesting for me!
    {Kamala – “The Grand Kid isn’t born yet, Mr President!}
    Ok, that is an issue. But keep me informed, especially if it’s a girl. And tell my secretary to book some ‘personal time” for me in about 6 years.


  8. Crapper Sr

    Err.. if I vote democrat next time, can you arrange proper lessons in technique for my boy from an experienced MILF, preferably a dem herself? At 16 he needs to become a REAL man.


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