Lady Gaga is Spotted on the Set of the New Movie “The House of Gucci” out in Rome (42 Photos)

American actors Lady Gaga, who will portray the ‘Black Widow’ Patrizia Reggiani and Adam Driver, who plays Maurizio Gucci, are spotted on the set of the new Ridley Scott movie “The House of Gucci” out in Rome, Italy, 04/07/2021.


34 thoughts on “Lady Gaga is Spotted on the Set of the New Movie “The House of Gucci” out in Rome (42 Photos)

    1. Dark D

      For those of you who don’t speak fluent loser, I’ve spent enough time with this retard to get a basic understanding of what he’s trying to say, this time it’s:

      “I am ga-ga in the head. I’ve never seen a cock in the flesh, having never been able to locate my own. I envy real Dark D’s bbc”

        1. Dark D

          Well, I am a retard, but that’s not the same as DS. They can’t help it, my idiocy is a firm choice.

          1. Dark D

            As you’ve already pointed out, having downs isn’t a choice. Choosing to be a chronic retard is. Make better life choices Fake D.

          1. Tom Voigt

            You made a new name just to feed a troll? Get a fucking life dude, you should both be shot

          2. Dark D

            Booger munchers eat their own meal. Have you heard of anybody chomping on the dry crusts off their neighbor?

      1. Dark D

        I’m only joking. I like to pretend I don’t have a mum because of what the real Dark D did to mine… She still walks funny.

          1. Dark D

            That’s okay. What with the way she trawls bars for black guys, it was always gonna happen.

    1. Dark D

      For those of you who don’t speak fluent loser, I’ve spent enough time with this retard to get a basic understanding of what he’s trying to say, this time it’s:

      “I wish my arse ached from having dick in it. Seeing as I’m such a loser who spends my life being other people on the internet, my only sexual experience is with a screen. At this point, being bummed by a guy would be losing some kind of virginity”

      1. Dark D

        This is the truth. When I post as DARK D all in caps, it’s just another one of my personas trying to escape my ass again.


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