Model Kylie Jenner displays her sexy tits and butt in the bikini and outfit Instagram photos below.
Model Kylie Jenner displays her sexy tits and butt in the bikini and outfit Instagram photos below.
Here’s my deal. My fetish is pissing off straight men. I spend at least half of my day on this site, leaving the same boring and unfunny comments over and over and over under about a dozen different stupid names. Naturally, I’m constantly trolled by breeders, but I just accuse every one of them of being an “admin”. It’s great because it means I don’t ever have to defend my behavior or contemplate the fact that I don’t belong here. Someday, I suppose, I’ll lose my virginity and realize that there’s more to life than being an annoying faggot. We’ll see.
This cow says mooooo…
…..when she feel the dickie of Dickie Doc hahaha. Right up her tunnel of horror and into the cave of no return. I think he will smell cow shit very soon and she will piss him right into his mouth. Win win for both of them
She looks good in these photos so I’m in for that :-), but I’m sure Spankmaster would say ”She’s no Caitlyn Jenner”. Guess Crapper can’t please all the faggots all the time:-)
You want to fuck anyone in this family, especially Caitlyn, you go right ahead, Dockie, just don’t confuse me with your own fuckfaced fag fetishes about who turns me on.
For you to fuck anyone in this family, especially Caitlyn, it just means that you really want to fuck shit as that is all they are. Good luck and make sure you keep your mouth open, as I’m sure you want to eat and drown at the same time…
Thanks Spankmaster, but I’m good with just the three Kardashian sisters. Did you prefer the pre-op Caitlyn Jenner. I guess it was more cock up ass Spankmaster style:-)
Just shut the fuck up and die already, you extremely sad cunting fuckfaced fag. You know it the only integrity you have left to commit suicide. You know it’s for the best…
Her body is always perfect, but when her hair’s black and she goes easy on the lip liner, she looks perfect from head to toe.
Literally every part of her is the opposite of perfect. How about you go stand in the corner, cause that was the dumbest shit you’ve ever said.
The most this chick will ever be is a rapper’s “side chick”.
Her baby-daddy refuses to live with her, so
she’s raising her two-mixed black kids alone.
Oh Spankmaster you stupid fuck Caitlyn IS a man. You ARE bi. Just accept it and move on. Fame is a fag it’s fine. Just be yourself and let your freak flag fly.
FYI, I am a happily proud straight man who is only interested in women and nothing else sexually speaking, excluding a bit a tasteful self abuse now and then, that is having a good wank. I am not bi, gay or transgender curious, regardless of what all the fuckfaced fags on this website, especially Dockie Dick, have to say about me. Is not against any of these alternate lifestyles providing they treat me with respect. That being said, please stick your freak flag up your fat fucking fag arse.
Here endeth the lesson…