Get ready to be mesmerized by Kylie Jenner’s stunning beauty and bangin’ curves in the “Glow” promos. Her irresistible charm and curvaceous figure are on full display!
Get ready to be mesmerized by Kylie Jenner’s stunning beauty and bangin’ curves in the “Glow” promos. Her irresistible charm and curvaceous figure are on full display!
Glow?? Is that the name of her latest brand for lube? Her fat is glowing all by itself. Pigfat
Actually, Peter, she’s being preemptive of our enforced bonfire. I’ll bring the high octane fuel and marshmallows, you bring the matches. We’ll have an early Guy Fawkes night with her…
O I wished it was November 5. already. What a night that will be Spankmaster
As Kylie is a main source of Spankmaster BBC cream pies, I suspect Peter is being lured towards a Spankmaster ambush blowjob. Peter! Secure your underwear:-(
Dockie, will you please just fuck off and die? At least I am asking nicely…
Nice tiny cameltoe in pic #3!
Why does this NOBODY keep posting pictures begging for likes? Kylie Jenner is an ugly piece of shit with a scumbag personality. Fuck that stupid bitch. You’re rich because of your slut sister, isn’t that enough?
I love all the Kardashians because they are the only ones who love sucking negro cock more than me!
I swallow.