21 thoughts on “Kylie Jenner Hot (2 Sexy Photos)

  1. Truth

    Is she the disgusting spawn of the most repulsive and worthless family in human history? Abso-fuckin-lutely.

    But fucking hell, her tits are fucking great. Heartfelt (and hardfelt) congratulations to her surgeon.

    1. LOL

      No, thats her sister Kourtney. And yes she was indeed impregnated by a lowlife snow chimp who plays drums in a “rock” band.

  2. Spankmaster

    Hot?!? Well, just so long as it involves a bonfire, her being doused in a shitload of high octane fuel and a lit match, then yes, she soon will be very fucking hot..,

    1. peter dobson

      It’s not too late to start a war over this one. Maybe “hamas” could do us all a favor. But, in all fairness, I write this comment after 3 glasses whisky so I don’t think clear anymore lol

          1. Spankmaster

            Dockie, as you so dearly want to fuck this obvious tranny thing, then please by all means go ahead, just so long as you do it while Russell Brand is also arse fucking you and you all do it while on the bonfire. That way, we will get rid of you all at the same time. There we are, problem solved…

  3. Doctor Dick

    Fuck yeah, I love how crapper post the jenner/kardasians, they are woke, inclusive strong trans women with big dick, I should know daddy bruce Jack hammered my asshole many times.

    If your a faggot like me offer your support for all those woke strong tgirls by letting them rail road your asshole, I love it.

      1. Doctor Dick

        Thank you “the Dude”. Undoubtedly he is being “herself” but using my name with these wicked slurs. He should be proud to be a faggot. There is no shame.

  4. Russell Brand

    My little faggot Doctor Dick loves the jenner/kardasian tgirls. He will get very excited that her tits are nearly as big as her dad’s bruce.

    Everyone should know that Dr Dick was brain damaged after bubba throat fucked him for too long, he hates real men and attacks alphas, but he is the best cock rider this side of the world.

    Dockie is the hottest faggot, I lend him out to trump, Prince Andrew and the local prisons, he has a bad habit of fucking goats and donkeys, but that’s Dockie

    1. The dude

      It is ok for Doctor Dick to be homosexual please stop attacking and humiliating him, if you really loved him you wouldn’t use those words


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