15 thoughts on “Kylie Jenner Displays Her Sexy Boobs (6 Photos)

  1. Severin

    What a HOT BITCH.

    Her sister’s comment about eating shit to look young is praiseworthy btw.


    1. Mr.Loopy

      Your childhood issues ain’t everyone else’s, young one. You have much to learn…

      Btw, i heard your mother made a scene in Walmart again. She wants her biggest dildo back, and sice they don’t sell them THAT large over there she answered: He’ll have to buy one of his own then from now on…
      It’s on youtube.


  2. peter dobson

    This is toxic waste. All plastic that gives you cancer. Fucking unreal bitch made in a chinese factory comes with animatronix

  3. kevinwhipaloo

    I want to put my nasty little cock up her ass. at the very least i want an explicit leak of her nudes. then i can be happy in life and move forward.


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