Kim Kardashian Wears a Revealing Leather Look as She Attends a Business Meeting in LA (20 Photos)

Kim K rolled up to a biz meet in LA rockin’ a straight fire leather fit. She was flaunting them curves, lookin’ like a total boss chick, and gettin’ snapped next to her sick ride – a jet black Tesla cybertruck with them dope, futuristic Batman-style rims.






12 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian Wears a Revealing Leather Look as She Attends a Business Meeting in LA (20 Photos)

  1. peter dobson

    Yeah you’re right if you had no eyes to see, nose to smell or hands to feel. Otherwise you’re so wrong with your comment.

  2. Russell Brand

    The whore of babylon reappears to satisfy all the tranny and lovers. The whore must be 50 and it still goes looking for bbc. Doctor Dicks top whore of the century with a cock bigger than his mom Jessica Alves., he loves that big dick

    1. Spankmaster

      I won’t argue with you on this one. Just make sure you fuck this incredibly hideous, horrific fucking thing before Dockie does because even Christ doesn’t want to know where Dockie’s been or what he’s been doing…

  3. Spaz de la Whoreta

    If you go to a business meeting wearing leather pants, you’re a probably a rockstar. Or a prostitute.

  4. Severin

    I wouldn’t piss on Elon Musk if he were on fire, but those cars are badass. I only drive when it’s absolutely necessary (why anyone of means would drive anywhere in NYC by choice is fucking beyond me). Also I want Kim Kardashian to sit on my face like it’s a driver’s seat.


  5. Severin

    Anyway, so I don’t drive around the city unnecessarily and would NEVER attempt to drive that car here even if I ever had the opportunity, which I certainly never will, but in Los Angeles? Sure, hell yeah.



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