11 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian Takes Some Sexy Selfies Revealing Her Big Breasts (5 Photos)

      1. Doctor Dick

        Hottest woman on the planet. No doubt your homosexual animosity is driven by her getting to suck Kanye’s BBC, while you were stuck sucking dog and wallaby cocks behind a tin shed in Wollaamongabongadoo ! G’day sport !

        1. peter dobson

          I think that the parental abuse by mostly your mommy has made you soft in your head. I guess you lossed a lot of brain capacity by this so you only left with a few braincells after I assume polio or cancer. Nevertheless your comments are becoming so irrelevant that after this I will never write a respons on your comments ever again.

          1. Spankmaster

            I agree entirely, only to add that Dockie wouldn’t know the difference between fucking a pile of shit and himself being a pile of shit. Naturally, he is so attracted to Kim K because she is the ultimate in shit fucking and adds to coprophagist desires. Dockie, the sawn off shotgun suppository is calling you…

          2. Doctor Dick

            Irrelevant ? Are you insane ? Do you not know Spankmaster is lusting after your dog ! When you find yourself Spitroasting Spankmaster with your dog while, Mrs Dobson worries about the carpet, you will thank me. Regards. I am a real Doctor !!

      2. peter dobson

        Well Spankmaster, this explains and proves everything I wrote about “dockie”. Abuse by a parent can leave scasrs and we all should pity him and pay no attention to him anymore as he is a attention whore just like the K. and J. “family”

        1. Doctor Dick

          Peter! I am a real Doctor. My prognosis is Spankmaster is lusting after you, your dog, and Mrs Dobson (if she is a tranny) ! When you find yourself Spitroasting Spankmaster with your dog while, Mrs Dobson worries about stains on the carpet, you will thank me. Regards DOCTOR Dick.

          1. Spankmaster

            Dockie, just go back to your public toilet from hell where you are undoubtedly both king and queen of your fuckfaced fag shitheap. There we are, reality check, free of charge…

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