9 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian Sexy – Vogue Magazine (11 Photos)

  1. TheSwede

    please just stop – she has never been, nor will she ever become, sexy, hot, nor attractive. So please stop! Just stop! She doesn’t even look human

  2. k-trash hater

    bad enough we all have to see her via “us weekly/people/entertainment weekly” etc, even heard her mentioned on the freakin radio, also mentioned on yahoo main page……she must be getting seriously desperate…..I agree, enough is enough, she ain’t sexy.

  3. peter dobson

    Tazer this son of a bitch crapper for his obsession with this brainless bag of dogpoop. Tazer her too and deliver her to the warf for further abuse by sailor and boatsmen. Never to be heard from again.
    And by the way crapper why don’t you post onlyfans videos and pictures of Renee Olstead here you loser

  4. Captain Fantastic

    It is impossible (and possibly a crime against nature) to put “Kim Kardashian” and “sexy” in the same sentence.

  5. Davidson

    If you guys hate her as much as you claim, then why do you always look at her pictures? Because it’s easy to skip a thread. How about leaving those of us who don’t hate her and like seeing her pictures in peace?

  6. Chester

    What is the obsession with Kim Kardashian……………..you know what is interesting. These people like Kim Kardashian and Justin Bieber and Kanye West and Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner and so forth and so on. They think 75% of Americans care about them and mostly like them and give a shit about them but the fact is that 75% of Americans wish they never saw their faces again and probably 50% of Americans hate their guts. So how do they make so much money and why do they get so much attention you say? I’ll tell you. Know where all of Justin Bieber’s money comes from? It comes from the 12 + 13 year old boys and girls who each buy 8 different copies of his CD and buy 5 different Justin Bieber T shirt’s etc. Same with Kylie Jenner. It isn’t MOST of the people. It is the slavish, super fans who buy 19 different varieties of Kylie perfume and Kylie lipstick and so forth and so on. It is NOT the majority of people. The majority of people wish these people would take a long walk off a short pier. It is the super fans who have 7 posters of them in their room and buy every friggon article they sell, etc. There are 330 million people in the United States. If only 15% of the people care if Kim Kardashian lives or dies that is still 50 million people {I know. I know. Babies, old people, etc.} What I am saying is that you can be a “big deal” in America and 70% of the population can hate your guts. All you need is 10% of the people to think you’re wonderful.

  7. Truth

    I’d rather stick my dick in a fucking pile of dogshit than this most abject and disgusting and repulsive and lowest of all whores.

    No one has done more to degenerate human civilisation than this subhuman lowlife.


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