Get ready for some serious heat, ’cause Kim Kardashian is bringing the raw sexiness to Vogue Italia’s July 2023 issue. She’s all about embracing her killer curves and flaunting those alluring breasts like a boss.
The best!
Please make it go away. It never should’ve become famous, and all it does is make other ugly fat women think that someday they, too, can be famous for nothing.
Agreed. So true.
what if they record porn?
The worlds sexiest lady:-)
Stop thinking about all your tainted love when you become the ultimate cumdumpster and toilet at your public outhouse from hell, especially as your worlds sexiest lady just equates to that blow up doll that you are too afraid to fuck. Give yourself the sawn off shotgun suppository and things will work out fine…
Not being furry, nor a pouch, nor strong bouncy back legs, Spankmaster is un-aroused by Kim. A quick walkabout and ten minute with a hot wallaby with soon set him straight. G’day mate
I’m only unaroused by Kim simply because anything that used and abused would smell just as fucking godawful as you, Dockie. That being said, just fuck off and die as pointlessly and painfully as possible. There you are, reality check, free of charge…
I love all the Kardashians because they are the only ones who love sucking negro cock more than me!
I swallow.
I think you’ve said that enough, perhaps we need to hear something new from your wisdom.
OK, how about “I love all the Kardashians because they are the only ones who love sucking negro cock more than me!
I swallow.”
Speaking about a brainless twat. This one is the Queen of all the brainless twats. And they can fuck off this planet for all I care. Let’s ask Branson or Musk or that other one oh yeah Bezos if they have a used rocket for these whores to shoot them to Hell
Hell in this case being the sun, to which I wholeheartedly agree. Burn, biaitches, burn…