24 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian Sexy (24 Photos)

    1. Sheldon

      I hope she and her family die in a private plane crash,

      She and her ilk have contributed nothing to society except self-centeredness narcissism greed and commercialism and have not given back even using their celebrity to champion causes for the past 15 years. Hope they burn twice, once in jet fuel and another in hell.

  1. peter dobson

    Can somebody please take care of this pest? Don’t we have a rat exterminator that knows who to get rid of this creature? It doesn’t how but just take care of it…..It’s like an STD that keeps coming back

    1. Spankmaster

      Peter, I know how you feel, but sadly even the rat exterminators aren’t capable of ridding the world of something so virulent, nasty and offensive as this incredibly tasteless whore. This also includes the following tactics being pointless:

      A) Killing it with fire.
      B) Targetting it with nuclear weaponry.
      C) Dropping it into an active volcano.
      D) Leaving it in a dense forest to be ravaged by both bears and wolves.
      E) sending it to the local dog cannery as incredibly cheap meat.

      The only option therefore is to do the same thing as Richard Branson, but ensure that she doesn’t return from outer space by crash landing her onto Mars. She might still survive on that planet, but at least we won’t be hearing from her for quite some time…

      1. k-trash hater

        most likely if she’s on Mars, news media will probably do a piece on her daily “days missing, the search for kim”, that I do not want to see on yahoo. however, i do get tired of seeing her here and on anything else.

  2. Davidson

    As usual, the trolls perv at all of her pictures then write the insults. Me, I agree with Boob Lover. Peter Dobson, Spank Master, AJ and especially the Real Fame Whore, your all full of shit.

      1. Spankmaster

        Davidson, just remember that as you are a basement troll who has a fondness for rat fucking, it’s no wonder that you find this horrible Kim thing so exciting and erotic. I do seriously hope you are forever happy scurrying away in you little hole of an existence, realising that your fucked over life means so much to you…


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