8 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian Sexy (2 Photos)

    1. k-trash hater

      yeah, no shit, she and her family pop up here every freaking day…eventually I’m going to stop checking this site.

  1. peter dobson

    No these things are attention whores. One day without a photo and they will kill themselves. So maybe after their “show” has ended the problem will solve itself. Hopefully they will all jump off a cliff

    1. k-trash hater

      my worst case scenario/vote is: after their show, she/they will be posting non-stop, then i’ll have to live off the grid just to not see them. wishful thinking on the whole jump off a cliff.

      1. peter dobson

        By that time we only have only solution: call The Spankmaster. He knows what to do. I gave him the go ahead and he will do the job.


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