Kim K’s new post on social media is all about her lips and pokies, y’all!

Kim K’s new post on social media is all about her lips and pokies, y’all!
Just send this one and her “sisters” and inbreed in a box to the Vatican. Maybe some cardinals know what to do with all the sins it has done. Exorcism is the rage in vatican city so that will be a good session. Watch out for the flames, brimstone and sulfur
I agree entirely, only to add that while you were drunk on scotch, you came up with the extremely brilliant idea of getting ‘Hamas” involved to eradicate this whole whore of Babylon family. Obviously, they or he must be Turkish, so I’m sure that they would do the killings at a very cheap price, given that it would be out of dedication to annihilate the Armenian society. Your inebriation is a motivation to us all…
Just to add to your comment Spankmaster: I was buzzed not drunk. But I thought it would be a final solution for this polution.
I do hope Doctor Dick is sucking Kims dick when the trash is brought out for good.,other cultures are not as tolerant to faggots like Dockie.
Intelligent hetrosexuals can tell Kim has no massive 11 inch dong. As if she did, Big Mick and Spankmaster would be seen salivating over it in the photos. They cannot resist cock.
You, Dockie, only know all too well about the Whore of Babylon Kardashian/Jenner family all being worthless trannies whose arses and dicks you’d just love to fuck, especially as you and them are all so much fucking shit. That being said, just slime your way back to the sewer where you belong…
Spankmaster does seem to be “lingering” over her photo. Not doubt drawing in the massive cum dripping dong he so craves.
Dockie, FYI, I’m only lingering over the how’s and whys of killing her and her whole Whore of Babylon family so that they will never come back into our society. I’m hoping that as you so enjoy arse fucking and cocksucking all the these trannies that you will die along with them. Just stick your head up any of these trannies arses and you won’t feel a thing as the bonfire gets raging. There we are, problem solved…
Fucking horse
I need that tongue in my butthole.
Kim or Gal Gadot. Most beautiful woman in the world.
Plastic fantastic. The brothers have her now, through her in the trash with the rest of the Kardasian garbage.
Doctor Dick, PhD in faggortery
I suppose you had a word with crapper to post more kardasian/jenner and Jessica Alves. Did you ask Russell who has the biggest cock, don’t be jealous because you have a micro dick, Russell and his hollyweird friends will keep you as their faggot bitch.
Big Mick, you write absolutely truthful words for Dockie to live by…
Big Mick PhD Cock Sucking and Rimming Faggot Arseholes
No doubt having discovered Kim and her sisters are without cock, disappointed, you and Spankmaster will skulk away to suck the mammoth steaming cock of the tranny Salma Hayak. No doubt Spankmaster will then assume the guise of Halma Sayak, tempting you and Peter with his gyrating arsehole. I wish you all a Merry Christmas.
Dockie, I wish you an extremely slow and painful death at the blades of a woodchipper, in the great hope that just like you and Russell Brand hopefully fucking each other to death, you will be reduced to absolute fucking shit and find comfort in being flushed back into the sewer. There we are, both problem solved and reality check, free of charge…
Wish I could kiss those lips :’)
You’d be better off kissing her rectum majoria. You’ll die quicker…