Kim Kardashian, Kendall & Kylie Jenner show their curves posing in underwear on a promo photoshoot for SKIMS collection (February 2021).
Lower than the most used up vilest, gutter streetwhore.
Sweet last pic. Shame no ass pics.
I thought she would have gone fully nude by now,but ever since those topless pics with the horse on the beach she hardly has shown anything.
These pictures are so edited, you might as well be looking at a cartoon.
I dont get why Kendall now 25 and kylie now 23 wont show their pussy like rachel cook
Kim did the hard whoring so they wouldnt have to. Such sacrifice!
Kendall had to squat down so the two trolls wouldn’t reveal how short they really are.
Thanks to Photoshop, Kim and Kylie lost 50 pounds.
The fact that mudsharks get to display themselves to the public anywhere except at the stake in the town square is emblematic of the hideous and vile baseness of society.
double tap much? already saw one of them on a second site, and you have all three twice.
Kendall Jenner is what you’d get if 1,000,000 random men all imagined their “dream woman” and an amalgamation appeared.
Kylie and Kim are what you’d get if 1,000 chubby, sixteen year old boys (who’ve never made eye contact with a girl) all imagined their “dream woman” and an amalgamation appeared.
^ THIS ^
Where no white men have gone before.
PHOTOSHOP to DEATH…the skinny bitch is skinny as a broom stick…NO CURVES….no all body TAN….no bubble butt…just FLAT pancakes.
The thick whore….are FATTTTT…disfigured asses with moon craters…. 5’2″ tall…fake tan…fake hair…fake tits…enhanced hip to match their asses…
NOT proportion…..none of them…
Shouldn’t they all be naked now including Mom?
The skinny one looks like she walked out of Auschwitz Birkenau at the end of the WWII. Ugly bitches.
Peter, they all look like they deserve to be at a bottom of a pit with all the other degenerates and then have a shit load of lime dumped on top. I may be showing my political preferences, but this is an extreme situation…
I wish there was a video on the deep web of each of these Kardashian sisters being tortured very slowly. That would be worth all the money they’ve earned so far with bullshit.
You’re a fucking homo. You guys sound like you’re auditioning for the View. They should be tortured for what? Making you look for them on porn sites? Or figuring out how to become millionaires? Kill yourself
Combined iQ of 6.
I still don’t understand the fascination with this entire family. They don’t do anything to contribute to society, other then hawk their over priced shit that isn’t manufactured in the United States. Just from watching their show for 5 minutes is an instant turn off with their constant bickering, sailor mouthes and incessant drama.
Not only are their bodies way out of proportion, their taste in men is questionable, since they can’t seem to keep one around after the first kid. Kim is the exception, since she supposedly used a surrogate for a few of them. Maybe, it’s not the men they choose’s fault. These guys are suckered into thinking these chicks are a catch and probably great in the sack, then realize they are all nuts. I’m sure their Mother scares a lot of them off by controlling their every move.