Reality TV star Kim Kardashian displays her nice cleavage covering her face with honey or pee 😅 in a promo photoshoot for her KKW Beauty cosmetics – Instagram, 02/05/2021.
Reality TV star Kim Kardashian displays her nice cleavage covering her face with honey or pee 😅 in a promo photoshoot for her KKW Beauty cosmetics – Instagram, 02/05/2021.
Wish Kanye would piss on Crapper for that comment.
Speaking of pissing, ray j gave her a golden shower in the sex tape but they cut that part out, true story.
So what the fuck is she selling? If it’s cosmetics, the artsy-fartsy angle loses me, like something bat-shit crazy Kanye would dream up in a schizophrenic episode.
And yet she could buy and sell you a thousand times over.
And yet she could buy and sell you a thousand times over.
Mud shark
Looks like its another Kim mention day, already got Kim’d via some website….so that’s a double tap to my day, with an extra stab of Kylie (boring) so much for a good day.
Leggy Kim Leggy Kardashian goes Leggy Wet
Wish she would just GO away.
hell yeah, I’m getting tired of her being mentioned….anywhere….not to mention her family.
Kim has developed the perfect blend of cum and piss.
It’s the color of old man urine but with the texture of cum.
For those times when a girl can’t pick between a facial and a golden shower.
She calls it “Pizz”
Kim needs to make another sex tape but not with Kanye.
If you’re looking to blame someone for roughly half the world’s problems, look no further than Dim Lardassisan.