Kim Kardashian arrives to celebrate her 44th birthday at Funke in Beverly Hills, 10/20/2023.
Kim sent the media into a frenzy with her show-stopping exit from her star-studded Beverly Hills birthday celebration.

The world’s most sexy and beautiful woman. Faggots comment below.
you must be a faggot to think that
And yet you could not resist typing below. No doubt your inner faggot taking control.
I dare say it’s just his honesty taking control of someone who believes in being Frank about how much of a fuckfaced fag you really are, especially now that Russell Brand wants to live up your arse for the r3st of your life. And with any luck, that won’t be much longer…
Greetings Spankmaster. I see the worlds biggest faggot is not here! AKA your new boyfriend Big ? Mike. Is he too exhausted after an intense night of living out your perverted homosexual fantasies. Or has the neighbours dog bitten his balls for all the ass fuckings it received.
I agree mate. Everyone here thinks the kardasians look like shemales, even Dr Dick. Only Dr Dick think these shemales are beautiful “women”, he knows deepndown they are packing 10 inch cocks. When degenerates like kanye west have been married to these shemales you know its gotta be weird. Why did Bruce jener change, because he was surrounded by big dicked shemales like Dt Dick loves.
I know Dr Dicks arrogance, ignorance and stupidity are hard to fathom but he is more to be pitied, he is a low I.Q retard. We need to encourage Dr Dick to be what he wants to be, a shemale craving faggot.
Big ? Mick. Your comments would be credible if you did not type them with Spankmasters cock in your mouth. The world knows why you no longer crave the beautiful Kim. She can no longer provide the massive BBC cream pies you and Spankmaster love to slurp up.
Dockie these days just can’t get enough of getting arse fucked by Russell Brand, as well as Russell felching his arse and licking his haemorrhoids clean. Yes, Dockie, you have finally found your ultimate cumdumpster and toilet friend for life, so make the most of it in fucking each other to death. You know it makes sense…
Well said Robert, well said, I admire your true insight into this matter
You forgot some pics
disgusting stinky whoremanian
Dr Dick,
You’re love for she males and the kardasians stems from your love of their step father bruce jenner. I know you want to be pounded by bruce 24/7 as the kardasians she males line up and take turns pound you with strapons.
You and Russell can have those degenerate whores, it’s a faggots delight.
Thank you, Big Mick. You have nailed it exactly with Dockie. And as he is the ultimate cumdumpster and toilet who is such a fuckfaced fag and enjoys being nailed and arse fucked by Russell Brand, then anything I could add would be entirely superfluous. The truth about Dockie has finally come out and so will he venture out of his closet…
As a Doctor, it is clear you two faggots are sucking each other off as you type this chimpanze jibberish. I have no doubt the other two faggots the Real SJ and Peter Dobson are either jacking off as they watch or fucking dogs. Probably the dogs,
As a I am a heterosexual who knows what to do with a woman, you Dockie have clearly failed to appreciated your own fuckfaced fag nature, especially now that Russell Brand fucks your arse, sucks your cock and enthusiastically licks your haemorrhoids clean. Just fuck each other to death and it will make everyone happy…
The only woman you know how to deal with is one with a big, fat, juicy BBC cream pie. Preferable from a whole host of BBC’s. Then you are straight in there slurping up that BBC gravy.
Just fuck off and die and take Russell Brand with you. You know it makes sense…
Incredibly cheap whore who made her red dress from her own period paint. Enough said…
Ironically, Kim was saying the same about you as on munched on her juicy twat. The other two sisters were sucking me off and admiring my massive balls. Only your dress was made from the copious amounts of cum Big ? Mike had jizzed all over you. Especially your face and arsehole. Regards.
All your fuckfaced fag bullshit that is written above is just your code words for the following:
Oh, Russell darling, fuck my arse like there’s no tomorrow and give me a reach around to my incredibly small, pathetic, lifeless dick. And when you’ve finished, just cover ourselves with all manner of shit, piss and cum, as we will hopefully die from our own excesses.
Yeah, that sounds exactly true to form for you, Dockie. Good luck with that…
I want to do her up that big fucking ass until her fucking asshole bleeds because of the large girth of my great dick. And then immediately shove my massive cock down her fucking throat until she chokes to death on a combination of my cum and her feces.