15 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian Displays Her Boobs in a Promo Shoot (5 Photos)

  1. Fat Kate Upton

    Kendall Jenner is now age 26, and her whore-mother, Chris Jenner, is pushing her to get pregnant. Notice that she’s not pushing “marriage”. She’s pushing for her single, whore-daughter to spit-out a ‘bastard child’. This is what happens when women run the household.

  2. peter dobson

    Why wasn’t she or her family involved in the Armenian genocide? It would have saved the world a whole lot of useless photos.

    1. Spankmaster

      You do realise that had the Turks been successful in exterminating all the Armenians off the face of the Earth back in WW1, not only would her and her whore of a Babylon family not at all exist, but OJ would be someone’s severe butt monkey in prison and Caitlyn Jenner would still be a man. Ah well, I suppose we must have this pointless future to look forward to…

  3. Captain Fantastic

    For the love of God, please, no more of this nasty skank or her entire family. Nobody cares, nobody finds them worth looking at.

  4. Spankmaster

    I wish someone would cut her up for real and then re interpret her like an extremely tasteless jigsaw puzzle. It would be the most useful thing she has ever done for society, providing she doesn’t survive the experience…


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