6 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian Attends a Charity Event in Brentwood (14 Photos)

  1. Fame Whore

    She’s fucked men all over the planet

    but can’t get one to hang around.

    Her vagina must be as hollowed-out

    as the Holland Tunnel.

    1. Davidson

      She’s rich, famous and attractive. You’re a pathetic loser who writes insulting comments about women on a porn site. Given the choice between you, the entire world would choose Kim.

      1. peter dobson

        Given the choice between this and the world I would burn this Witch and drive a stake through her heart to make sure it’s not coming back to us. All the females of it’s family are Witches and should be handled accordingly. Make SALEM proud again.

        1. Spankmaster

          As someone who used to be a former catholic, this is one of the very few times I whole heartedly agree with Mary the firsts turn or burn policy. Pour on the petrol, light it up and fuck it off to hell, her and her whole family. It’s that simple…

      2. Fame Whore

        ^ @Davidson

        Equals Jerod with another stolen username.

        How many times do I have to tell you?

        “Money and status opens doors for MEN but closes doors for women.”


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