Check out the nude photos of Khloe Terae. Khloe Terae is a glamour and Playboy model, social media star (2m followers) from Toronto, Canada. Born: May 7, 1993.
Thanks to Christian for the info!
Bolt on tits. We should make a drinking game. Every time we see bolt on tits. Take a drink. First person to point out no nudes when the word nude is used makes a rule.
I would be an alcoholic by now.
Just a constant string af fake fat asses and bolt on tits. Hope this stupid fad ends soon, these hos look ridiculous.
Fuck the main stream media for brainwashing women into thinking Kardashians looks are to strive for.
^^We would all die
typical playboy shit: plastic boobs, photosopped, no pussy!
In those pictures (7 thru 18), she looks like she’s turning into a lioness
Bozo face & tits
More makeup than Doug wears.
Pay for play. InstaHooker
This girl doesn’t seem to have any balance between no make up and 10 pounds of it. That’s a red flag for any adult woman. She’s not bad looking without it.
Right. She looks better in the tub crying all of it off than any other pic.