Kevin Prince Boateng & Melissa Satta Enjoy a Holiday in Sardinia (36 Photos)

TV presenter Melissa Satta and footballer husband Kevin Prince Boateng celebrate their fourth wedding anniversary on a boat in the Maddalena archipelago, 06/28/2020.

The happy couple was joined by their son Maddox, Kevin has left Turkey with a special permit despite his team is still supporting the championship.


11 thoughts on “Kevin Prince Boateng & Melissa Satta Enjoy a Holiday in Sardinia (36 Photos)

  1. stupid women

    Remember when it was cool for celebs to take their puppy with them in a diamond encrusted carrier? Now their new pet is a black guy. That is until they get pregnant then he turns into Casper and she never hears from him again. You deserve it.

    1. The Voice of Reason

      No wonder the Nig Nogs all want white chicks. They turn white (casper) after knocking one up.

      1. Dark D

        He has more integrity in his little toe than you will ever muster in your whole life.

        If anyone should be murdered it’s you; Let me know where I can find you. I step on gutter worms like you for fun.

  2. Make AC Milan Great Again

    Respect KPB. Was on the last great ac Milan team that won the title in 2011 with Ibrahimovic Robinho and Pato. Remember back in the day when youโ€™d pray to god you didnโ€™t draw them in the Champions league. Shame how far theyโ€™ve fallen.


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