Check out Kelly Lynch’s screenshots with nude, sex and hot scenes from “Warm Summer Rain“, “Persons Unknown”, “Kaboom”, “Glass Chin”, “The Hitchhiker”, “Magic City”, “Mr. Mercedes”, “Cocktail”, “Passion Play”, “Dallas 362”, “Mr. Magoo”, “Desperate Hours”, “Road House” and “Homegrown”.

Delicious, back in her day. Anyone who says otherwise is a faggoty retard.
Amazing in Drugstore Cowboy.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far-far away, she was smoking hot.
you could land a plane between her breasts
Those tits look pretty awful.
Yeah, pretty obvs tit job after all these years but I always liked her ass better anyway – Warm Summer Rain is Skinemax clASSic, butt nekkid thruout