8 thoughts on “Katy Perry Sexy (7 Photos)

  1. Chester

    I don’t know anything about Katy Perry. She’s a singer……..right? Could not identify one of her songs if I had too BUT I’ve seen her projected for years like she’s some sexy beauty and I ALWAYS wondered “who the fuck thinks this woman is beautiful? What am I missing here? I don’t think she’s the least bit beautiful. She’s perhaps a 6 1/2 on a scale”………..Just curious. Who thought this woman was really hot? Somebody did. I mean she has big tits but that is all it takes?………….Why do they keep shoving this broad down our throat?

    1. Aníbal

      You’re projecting too much, kiddo.
      Get on with the times.
      Everybody else finds her attractive, always have…always will.
      Nothing you and your whining can do about it, okay?
      Keep moaning and see if it makes a difference, yeah?


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