Check out the nude photos of Katerina Klein by Igor Shevchuk (May 2018). Ekaterina Klein is a Russian model and aspiring actress from Moscow. Age: 27.
Katerina named herself a cool mom, loves healthy lifestyle and sport. The girl has small tits, beautiful legs and several small tattoos on her body.
As rough as fuck.
Another Russian Nobody
Nice tits. Too scrawny. Tattoos both numerous and *not* small.
No boob no attention
This site needs a policy that anyone posting negative comments has to include a pic of their significant other. I suspect that the ugliest woman on this site looks better than anything the haters are hanging out with.
This site needs a policy that anyone playing forum cop needs to shove a billy club up their ass. Sideways.
I’m sure most of them don’t have a significant other. Unless their right hand counts.
She looks like she could be a right filthy little fucker, nice body…half the wankers on here wouldn’t know what to do with a Woman like her.
The woman looks like a human xylophone. My ex-significant other is uglier than the alien in Alien Resurrection and I would know what to do with a woman like her. Donate her to a science lab in desperate need of one of those skeletons they have hanging on a hook.
She looks like the “after” from those before and after shots of meth heads.