New scans of Sakara Bell. Sakara Bell is a model. Latest Kate Upton Killer! Age: 20

New scans of Sakara Bell. Sakara Bell is a model. Latest Kate Upton Killer! Age: 20
Its not kate upton, its “Australia’s Kate Upton, Sakara Bell”
Fix yo tags.
This is NOT Kate Upton
Title says Kate Upton in a bikini and then there is pictures of Sakara Bell.. Wake up admin!
This is Sakara Bell, not Kate Upton. They just reference to her looking similar to Kate Upton. Just a FYI.
It’s not Kate Upton, but SAKARA BELL (it’s written in big letters on all images) !!
He you dickhead!!! This ain’t Kate Upton……
That’s not Kate Upton :/
This is such a FAKE website!!
website is going to crap. isnt even kate upton, and all u do is upload topless model photos
are you guys stupid? they clearly say its not kate upton, that last headline says “australis own kate upton” , like their own version.