Check out Katarina Witt’s nude photos. Katarina Witt (born December 3, 1965) is a German TV personality, actress, model, and figure skater. Two-time Olympic champion in single skating (1984, 1988), four-time world champion (1984, 1985, 1987, 1988), six-time European champion (1983-1988 in a row), eight-time DDR champion.
In 1998, 32-year-old Katarina appeared in an erotic photoshoot for Playboy magazine, which sought the consent of the sportswoman for ten years. The December issue published a series of nude photos, in which the fully naked athlete poses against the backdrop of tropical nature.

Yea, the only thing hot about her,
back in 1984, was her big fake tits.
Now I know you’re a stupid ass virgin child. You can’t tell the difference between real tits and fake ones you dumb fuck.
Tom Jones is approximately 13 years of age. His mother has this site bookmarked on her laptop because she’s still hoping her little man might be straight despite all the indicators to the contrary.
Hey Tom, those tits are real.
Hey Tom (?) Jones ? If you should fuck her, Try to keep your seed in for more than 30 seconds … I woukld pay to see your face if she’s naked in front of you …
Germany will win the war you started guys! Wait untill the end!
You ^ gotta get a job bitch.
Rather than posting a bunch of 22-year-old photos, how about some NEW photos of 22-year-olds?
You’re not clear on the concept.
proper bush
Pay attention, kids. This is what attractive looks like. Fit, tone, curvy, big tits without looking like cartoons, and an ass that’s in proportion to the rest of her body rather than some giant deformed atrocity. Just because your favorite rapper pretends to like giant asses because that’s all he can get, that doesn’t make it sexy.
Well spoken! Thank you.
Got to meet her once when she was promoting something at a store and was signing autographs. was a nice long line. She was giving out photos that she would sign but in addition she would sign things you brought for her to sign. So you could get both your item and the photo. She was signing basically anything — skates, magazines, photos, etc. Tried to get her to sign a magazine that had the pic of her popping out of her skating top. She was horrified about the pic and that I wanted her to sign it. Even had security toss me out. So what happens — a year later she exposed everything in the Playboy shoot. Bet she signed a bunch of those.
Even though I didn’t get the magazine signed, did get one of the headshot photos she was signing and giving out. Don’t have it anymore but for quite a while I used it as a cumtarget. Still had it when the playboy issue came out and boy did that photo get a lot of cum while I was looking at the mag.
I did her ass in 89
totally came
I forced one of my whores to pose naked for money and when she gave me attitude I beat her black and blue and told her if she really loved me she wouldn’t send her Mother a birthday card or call her on her birthday.
Needless to say a few days later I told her to get out of my mansion and never contact me again or I’ll call the cops on her for threatening behaviour.
She’ll thank me one day just liek all the rest
Gorgeous tits & ass
Una auténtica vintage. En su época, las chicas mostraban sus cajetas con su pelaje natural, recortado pero natural. Preciosa mujer, hoy es una MILF aunque desconozco su estado de conservación.
Glorious thatched snatch on a fit athlete.