Check out Josephine Gillan’s sexy social media photos and screenshots with nude/full frontal/sex scenes from “Game of Thrones”.
Josephine Gillan (born July 24, 1988) is a British actress. She is also known for her roles in “Amy and Sophia”, “The Island of the Dolls” and “Bloody Jews”.
Beautiful armpits. Of all women it is fire-crotches that have the sexiest armpits.
You need years of intense psychotherapy
One of these pics is Karen Gillan.
Go look up Lacey on AbbyWinters if you want to see all of her.
3rd pic from top is Karen Gillan.
Any relation between Josephine and Karen? Whatever the case, they need to do a lesbian set up, then a threesome. I’d happily donate my services for the threesome, just to please both ladies…
Gotta love any woman who would be in a movie called “Bloody Jews”. That’s a great title.