11 thoughts on “JLo Puts Her Mind and Body at Ease With a Stretch at The Waterfront in Miami (40 Photos)

  1. Mr.Loopy

    I sure she has to put her mind and body at ease! Her ass hole has to replace that which was once a stretched out cunt. It can’t be easy for her.

    A tourette case that consists of swearing/singing, son of a bitch 24/7…

  2. Chriz

    She definitely had sex with Ben Affleck or Ben Affleck fucked her.
    Signs are that her legs were opened
    Her face looked satisfied after orgasm
    She showed the world here I am again as a hot female who still can fuck right

  3. Bigtung

    When you need to go outside pretending your “stretching” just so you can let rip a disgusting fart!

  4. Wendell

    While she was doing this shit Ben was in the background tugging on a cigarette. Did you hear about that? Page Six……The New York Post………Yeah. Ben was in the background with a ciggy sticking out of his mouth. Apparently there was a lot of negative comments about how cigarette smoking is bad for your health and how J Lo is so healthy and former boyfriend Arod was so healthy and Ben is an unhealthy dog. Yada, yada, yada. LOL……….Poor Ben. Can’t win for losing.


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