This plus-sized model ain’t takin’ no BS from cruel trolls who wanna hate on her fashion choices.
Jessica Glass, a 24-year-old from Houston, Texas, loves her curvy body and ain’t lettin’ anyone’s opinions stop her from rockin’ what she wants. Even though she’s been told she’s worth makin’ a joke out of, told to cover up, and asked why she’s so big, this content creator and OnlyFans model knows that her plus-sized body is actually helpin’ her make bank since there aren’t many plus-sized women on OnlyFans.
And even though Jessica knows her style ain’t what’s considered “normal” for plus-sized women, she’s still out here wearin’ shorts and crop tops to show off her body. She’s even proudly postin’ on her social media despite all the trolls. And get this – homegirl’s even released her own clothing line to bring streetwear to plus-sized communities. Now that’s what we call a boss move.
Just euthanize that monstrosity. Jesus fucking Christ my eyes are scarred for life.
Don’t worry. She probably stroked out by the time you read this.
Your main goal with this “free” site is getting the clicks for the bucks, which you have achieved once again. Be proud of yourself. Once upon a time this site actually had class.
This is not nice to look at…..this is just yucky and icky
In many ways she reminds me of Mrs Spankmaster :-) Except she’s not a tranny:-) and does not have a bbc ! Greetings Spankmaster
Greet yourself, Dockie, to your own fuckfaced fag ways of what you like to do but blame me for your actions. Clearly, thing this is even way out of your league, as it learnt all about you being such a cumdumpster and toilet that it never wants to sink as low as you. Just take the sawn off shotgun suppository and everything will be fine….
I can now see why you make all those trips to the zoo for monkey sex. Mrs Spankmaster must peg your ass into oblivion. FYI keep your analeze in the fridge :-)
Just fuck off anddieas painfully and pointlessly as possible. There you are, reality check, free of charge…
TallGlassofJess?? No more like FatGlassofJess or TallGlassofFatJess or evenTallGlassofJessFat
Can’t imagine how this walking monstrosity smells.
Well done webmaster, diversity targets reached, now please focus
I’ll save a couple of these in an emergency folder in case I accidentally ingest poison and need to vomit immediately.
That is a surprisingly solid tip.
her copious sweat tastes like Taco Bell mild sauce.
Yeh, you go girl!
All you haters don’t understand how hard it is to be a girl these days.
I have struggled more than most. Some days I don’t even want to get out of bed and tuck my cock and balls into my white snuggly panties.
But I do it, if only to be an example of what a woman can achieve if she puts her mind to it!
Remember buy Bud Light® and vote Democrat!!!!!!!!
Help fund my Trans revolution!!!!
What is with this site today?! First it’s crack-whore, fuck-faced Grandma, then it’s the steroid-lit monstrosity of an (apparently female) human being. Then it’s this fat fucking, foul-looking, smelly ass piece of disgusting white trash filth. Come on, Fappening. Get some class again. Where’s are the see-thru Taylor Swift pics?
See-thru to what?
Her tucked cock and balls probably. She always had the look of a tranny.
An explosive harpoon, that’s the solution.
I wonder how ling it took the crane to left it up after that.
Why is Crapper posting sexy shots of his wife on here?
Crapper you mofo, TAKE the pics of my fucking ma OFF YOUR SITE!!
Now where did I leave my 500 pound sack of potatoes?. O here they are walking through the grocery store.
This is the kind of woman crapper dreams of. He wants to lick those moldy folds clean to add extra lube to the sweat and then fuck them. He likes the neck folds best. He can watch his lover eat a fried chicken until he cums all over it.
This chick isn’t going to see 40.
She needs medical help, not an OnlyFans.
Come on man, wtf?
So sexy, I want her to shit in my mouth.
Harpoons at the ready boys. And don’t worry, the Japanese these days are pretty clueless as to what we serve up to them in the way of fresh whale meat. Plenty to go around for them all…
I might serve my useless pipe to them for a quick buck.
Your pipe, you fraudulent fuckfaced fag, isn’t even worth a cent, much less a hand full of dirt, which hopefully is where you will end up, especially six foot under in being wormfood. So be a good little fuckfaced fag and take the sawn off shotgun suppository so that you will spend the rest of your time in hell. You know you want to…
Looks like a giant tube sock filled with hot cottage cheese.. throw in some potato chunks and you got your self a fat pig that will eat her own foot if stuck in a room for more then 3 hrs.
There is no way you could want to fuck her, Couldnt even find which crevice holds the (throws up in mouth) cunt…
This chick is pretty impressive. For comparison sake, have you ever seen an elephant do a split?
What is with this site today?! First it’s crack-whore, fuck-faced Grandma, then it’s the steroid-lit monstrosity of an (apparently female) human being. Then it’s this fat fucking, foul-looking, smelly ass piece of disgusting white trash filth. Come on, Fappening. Get some class again. Where’s are the see-thru Taylor Swift pics?
Please take her back to Sea World
someone connect me with with Left4Dead development team … i have a great idea for a new hideous undead monstress
“sexy” is not the word I first thought of! JESUS H CHRIST, THAT’S FUGLY.